God The Father

God The Father

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

August 5, 1998 at 10:10 am


“No man expects Me to speak at this time. Mankind can relate only to a past History of how I presented My Existence to man. I have never been out of touch with human life. I created All things.

At ‘this time’ I use a specific form of Communication to man, and that is through one small voice, not a voice of a learned theologian, but a simple child of years who instantly accepts My Presence as Real, and asks no questions of Me.

The world is saturated with paganism, atheism, and weakness of the flesh.

This Gift I have given to mankind is a Gift of True Sound Enlightenment, giving to mankind the Beauty of being human, the responsibility of being human, but also the Great Gift for which I created human life, because as I am Present in each human life, I am constantly aware of the condition of the Soul that is That Portion of Me in each human life.”