Saint Ignatius Loyola

1491 - 1556

Saint Ignatius Loyola

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

February 19, 1999 at 1:35 pm


“I am Saint Ignatius Loyola. As We Saints listen to mankind in all degrees of educational benefits, We oftentimes hear a lack of full understanding of the Importance of what human life fully consists of. For the most part, men, women and children can relate only to the physical aspects, the physical appearance of other men, women and children. The mentality, also the moral behavior, does not openly exist in its full degree, because in the manner of speech, only a certain degree of words can be spoken. In appearance, only certain facets of human life are truly seen.

Today as I speak My Words, it is important for mankind to see human life as a Gift of Divine Love, far greater than what the physical appearance or the words of an individual show at given times.

The world has been Blessed by The Father’s Love, allowing so Many of Us to speak, giving to mankind important issues to think about on important subjects that, to some, are not seen as important, but they term them as ‘automatic subject matter in daily life’. Daily life has many responsibilities that oftentimes are ignored.

First of all, how many men, women and children throughout the world begin a day in a prayer to The Creator, recognizing that they are creations of This Creator and should recognize it as a daily, and in a daily thanksgiving, because of the privilege, the opportunity, and the Goal for which human life was created?

We hear many say, ‘In the beginning of human life, it is logical that men, women and children could not have had all the advanced understanding that we have now.’ This is true, but as the first creations were gifted with the Gifts applicable to that time, and progressed over years of mankind learning more, and being more adaptable to the progress, to this time.

Children are not learning what a privilege it is to walk the human way, because so little is being instructed on what a Special Gift human life is, and how different it is than all other living matter or things. Human life has a Goal, and though this Goal is not spoken about much, innately men, women and children instinctively know that there is a Goal to human life that is above and beyond all other living matter or things.

When The Father introduced This Gift of His Divine Love, bearing the Name of The Beloved Saint Joseph, His Intentions were Phenomenal in Reasoning, in Hope, in Love with mankind, because He wanted mankind to learn from All The Saints the Importance of human life, because it was through Their lives that They learned there was a Goal awaiting all who one day would be born to this manner of living.

When We hear doubt, rejection, sarcasm, or blasphemous remarks against This Miracle of The Father’s Love, This Miracle of Instruction, it is unbelievable that mankind, who has experienced so much progress on many subjects, openly defies what a Great Gift human life is, and what a Precious Goal it has that nothing else created has.

So Many of Us Saints are so eager to speak, because We know that mankind needs to know that human life has a Goal more Precious than any material matter or thing, and there is no human being living that dares to, cares to, wants to, speak openly with encouragement on the Importance of the Goal that awaits every living human being, because human beings have a Connecting Link to The Creator, called ‘the Soul’.

My next Statement is sad, because there is so much refusal, rejection, and a total ignoring what a Blessed Gift human life has from the moment of conception until the day the heart stops, and there is Judgment for what the individual practiced in every facet of human life. The Judgment, of course, is for the Soul.

It is difficult for mankind to understand what a Great Divine Meaning there is in the Words ‘Divine Love, Divine Hope, Divine Gifts’.

Today, through All the Words I have just spoken, I have asked The Father to bless many, many, many who will read These Words, and find in Them the Goal they have been searching for and could not find in any human area of involvement with other human beings, or with the tasks they performed so they could afford to have things, material things, as they lived the human way.

As I close My Words, I want you to know, Everything The Father allows to be delivered is to help the Souls of millions of individuals Who will one day be separated from the body, and stand before The Father in a Judgment Way. So be it.”