Saint Not Named

Saint Not Named

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

January 5, 1970 at 10:40 am


“Tell all men to begin the day in The Sign of The Cross. Tell them to make it the first act they perform upon awakening. Tell them to form a habit of it, and along with the act of the hand, to remember to say the words: ‘In the Name of The Father and of The Son and of The Holy Ghost. Amen.’

Such a simple act for man to become accustomed to, one that would take no time away from his worldly duties or pleasures. Tell him to repeat the act before the close of night. Again there would be no interference with the physical. Tell him, also, that as he grew in this act, he would grow spiritually and emotionally in the Way of God. Tell him, too, that the more he grew in this act, the more he would desire to do more in this way. Tell him, too, that this is a request from his God, Who is The Father of All. So be it.”