Saint Patrick

c. 386 - 461

Saint Patrick

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

July 21, 1971 at 11:30 am


“I am Saint Patrick. I come with Love. Nothing in Heaven can come in turmoil. Let all things you know that are good, that will lead you to Here, be special to you. It is a Heavenly Place to be.

Man is ignoring The Saints. We are not to be ignored. Seek Our help, for We will intercede to The Holy One. Keep close to Us, and keep in mind at all times how important it is, your physical life, for it will be your physical way that will bring you to the Feet of God. Do not let evil men, evil women cause you to stray. It will only keep you from coming God’s Way.

As I have announced My Love, I leave you My Love for every day. Be Blessed by Our meeting and be Blessed by the Truth that Heaven is. I love you. Pray, and stay on the path God gives.”