God The Father

God The Father

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

February 2, 1978 at 11:48 pm


“My beloved children, I am The Father, I am The Creator, I am The King. I announce Myself in this manner, through a child’s voice, whom I have created to stand upon the earth and give Lessons of My Meaning to all men upon the earth. The voice through whom I speak is small in many ways. It is My Power that forces the sound in the manner I declare it to be.

So many men in the world pray to Me every moment of your day. Their prayers are oftentimes prayers of requests, wanting a guarantee. Sometimes children of all ages pray, request help for other human beings. Some pray for only personal things. Some pray for things other than human beings.

I, The Father, speak loudly through this child, and I say: ‘Each of you present in this place have prayed to Me, requested of Me in many ways. I sent you an answer of Love. I answered with Hope, and I gave you what you could handle, in the capacity you could be able to see, in the manner in which you lived, in the strength you had, and in the way you walked vocationally.’

Would it sound impossible for Me to say These Words? Would it sound improbable for Me to say These Words?

I have requested of children, a favor. I have requested from many, to give Me a City, bearing My Name. I wonder how many children throughout the world will answer My Request. Will they answer it with love? Can I feel hope? Will I receive My City?

My Power is so Great that the child through whom I speak is shattered by It.

Tonight I have made a request. I wonder if it will be answered in the manner I declare it should be. Remember, prayers coming to Me are answered. My Request has been put forth upon the earth. The reason for My Request is this: I want Souls to return to Me. Through this City, through this Design of Mine, I know that children of all kinds will begin to think, begin to understand, begin to believe in Who I Am, What I Am. And do not forget, it will be brought to their attention: their Soul must return to Me.

You are Blessed, My children, in many, many ways, and I have come on this night to say, ‘Do I not deserve My Request answered in your human way?’ So be it.”