“Be Explicit”

Teaching Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

February 2, 1982


“It is always good to emphasize Christian pertaining to a way of life, but it is also good to emphasize Roman Catholic to clarify the point of association, because this emphasizes the foundation that you understand as the format of your Christian beliefs and practices, and that you are not just adopting a man-made practice that is not based on doctrine.”

“There is too little emphasis on striving for Holiness through piety in daily living. This is one of the main causes for so much chaos throughout the world.

There is so much emphasis on worldly involvement, justifying the natural feelings, ideas and desires of man, that the reality of the Purpose of life is not worked at on a daily achievement.

1. How would you describe Christianity?

2. What was God’s Reason for it?

3. How is it practiced today?”