“The Tendencies Of A Bum”

Teaching Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

September 14, 1982


“A crude word, with crude yet definite definitions.

It denotes a worthlessness, a physically depressed human being, a parasite, tendencies to be a leech on society, a loafer, a tramp, a good-for-nothing, a drain on the dignity of all the things God meant men to be expressions of.

Most people would not consider themselves a ‘bum’ unless they lived or frequented areas wherein only such type people exist. The meanings of this word do not express just place, but all the personal behavior that a ‘bum’ uses to escape reality and responsibility.

Sometimes rather than use this word, people speak in a more flattering way, but it means the same thing. They say a person is constantly loafing around, always looking for a handout, not willing to stand on his own two feet, always vulnerable to what other people think, do and say.

Ask yourself, ‘Am I a bum?’