“Living In A Reverie - Paradise?”

Teaching Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

January 7, 1983


“Dreamy thoughts, a fantastic idea, ridiculous fantasy, all make up the meaning of a word, condition, situation or state of mind that appeals to so many people. Sometimes such a state of living becomes so much of a habit that small or large groups of people constantly gather to just talk. Nothing is ever really accomplished, but a lot of ideas, fantasies, pass through the group. Such idle chatter may relieve one’s tension momentarily, but it cannot relieve them of their responsibilities.

Activity can be the greatest medicine a man can get.

Activity gives strength to the mind and the body.

Activity motivates more activity.

Activity generates hope.

Activity causes people to be refreshed, relaxed, and encouraged.

Activity that permeates the air with goals, success, animation, interest, balance, vitality, encouragement, can move mountains of depression, despair, fear, and terminal laziness.

Forget the fantasy of dreaming of a life of reverie and start being alive with interest, activity, coping with responsibilities, and stop dodging the logic of living.”