Saint John
of The Cross

1542 - 1591

Saint John of The Cross

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

October 19, 1995 at 11:27 pm


“I am Saint John of The Cross. There have been so many Lessons passed through this little one’s voice, instructing mankind on the Importance of human life, and how Important to each life is the Soul, the Soul never before explained in the manner it has been explained through This Miracle of The Holy Spirit of The Father, Saint Joseph.

We listen to some people speak after they have read Words from the Directions that pass through this little one. It is sad to hear doubt. It is also sad to hear anger from those who are saying, ‘Why would not These Important Words be spoken by a man who has taken the oath of office as a Priest?’ The Father has always used ‘a little one’ to give Important Messages to the whole world, because there is much more involved in the Messages than mankind realizes. First of all, it takes an extreme obedience to Divine Will. It takes courage, perseverance, and the ability to stand strong where Truth is evidenced by what the Content expresses, means, because the Content is not just Inspirational, but is based on Fact.

Mankind very often enjoys an emotional speech, because in the emotion it emphasizes a human ability to expound on a given subject, but this little one through whom We All speak says things quietly, with no emotion, just repeating What she is directed to say, extending to mankind of all races, all ages, Information, Direction, and the benefit of Instruction, so that mankind will see the importance of What is being delivered, and hopefully will use the Direction for the benefit of his or her Soul, and also be example to others, so that other Souls will be given the opportunity to be a Part of What The Father Wills for That Portion of Himself.

I will close now, because the little one through whom I speak is beyond what mankind can understand as being more with Us physically, mentally, thus making it difficult for her to speak. So be it.”