God The Father

God The Father

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

October 10, 1997 at 1:06 pm


“All of mankind must learn about This Gift of My Divine Love. I find it difficult to tolerate rejection of My Love that I speak through Words mankind can understand.

The world is in chaos morally, mentally, physically, spiritually, educationally. There are many religions formed, but all of these do not address Me in the proper form, or do they hold Me for Who I Am, What I Am.

So much of human actions, thoughts, understandings and preoccupations are based on total humanistic values, characteristics, and importance to daily life. The enemy of Mine and man’s is prevalent in every area of humanity’s life, in all degrees in which human beings are active, interested, motivated to be part of.

As I see the Souls of human beings, all ages, all degrees of mentality throughout the world, I say to them, ‘I have given you much Instruction through This Gift of My Divine Love, leaving out nothing that will give you the Strength to fulfill My Will as you live each day.’

I never ask an individual to do the impossible, because I created mankind and I instilled in mankind a sense of understanding, a sense of logic, a sense of right over wrong, purity over impurity. I instilled in mankind a rational understanding that I Exist, Have Always Existed, and I prove This Point every day, because I Am The One Who Holds All Things In Place.

I Am The One Who instructs individuals on what is sound morally, mentally, physically. I Am The One that is a Portion of every living human being, because I have generously placed at the moment of conception in each individual, a Portion of Me that instantly reflects in the human mind, sound moral views, values, standards.

Also, as mankind seeks progress, the greatest progress mankind of all cultures, all ages can reach, is to return to Me in a State of Purity, irregardless of how they live, where they live, how intelligent they are. The Soul they have within them is in constant touch with their values, their intentions, their knowledge of right over wrong.

It is sadness to Me when I see refusal to accept what a Precious Gift human life is, because it has a Goal of the Highest Dimension, and that is to return to Me, the Soul. So be it.”