God The Father

God The Father

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

August 17, 1974 at 6:10 pm


“My children, the loneliness that men feel in the world need not be, for you see, I have come to the whole world to tell and to give My Love firsthand through a human being. Children are, at this time, sitting idly and wondering how long they will have to wait for Me to call them. This saddens Me, for you see, I have given them vocations of life and a beloved Hill to work on for Me.

Men must get to know how I truly work in the world. Men must begin to recognize My Delivery of Myself, as I once before did. The last time it was a Son Who was Divine, and of course, Divinely Created for this Great Purpose. This time, it is a child born to the world of natural means, who, through love, devotion, Faith, trust and desire, stands before the whole world to extend Who I Am. Millions of Words pour through her for men of all kinds to be drawn by and to. This child is physically weak and in the listening to Me so constantly, becomes weaker.

Men of high places must be riddled with a constant flow of information regarding this Great Miracle that I have sent to the world to make known the Beauty of My Way and the Love I feel for all men. Sometimes children think My Words are so natural and so common that they do not recognize the Magnitude of Them, but nonetheless, I will repeat again and again, My Direction, My Love, My Hope and My Desire. I will return with more I have to say. So be it.”