Saint Alphonsus Liguori

1696 - 1787

Saint Alphonsus Liguori

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

June 4, 1991


“There are several ways to learn things.  The Miracle is an Instilling Miracle, and when Heaven speaks, It is instilled in everyone who listens.

I am Saint Alphonsus Liguori.  In My day this was part of my learning.  I wanted to listen to God.  I wanted to listen to all He had to say.  I wanted to listen to His Direction.  I wanted to become a Saint.  I wanted to help others on the road to Him.  I wanted Him to know I was ready to work for Him.  I wanted Him to understand me.  I wanted Him to see my faults so I could correct them.  I wanted Him to tell me what I was doing wrong, so in my own way I could not challenge His Decisions, but correct with great effort these things.

There are so many avenues to Here, there are so many areas in which you can work.  There are so many, many men and women throughout the world who must understand the Beauty of Sainthood before it is too late to believe in It, to reach for It, because right now you do live in a time much worse than Sodom and Gomorrah.

All around you is great evil, evil directing you, evil tugging at you, and evil taking away your Spiritual strength.  Be aware of all the evils throughout the world; it is not just where you live.

BUT, be also aware of your ability, mental capacity, your physical capabilities, your Spiritual strength to draw you to What God Wills for you, according to The Rules He gave, according to the Faith He gave, the Faith He instilled in each of you, so that one day you can hold tight to that Faith, and when you breathe your last breath you can say to Him quietly:

‘Thank You, God, for giving me the days I lived, for now I know that at this time You are so close to me and I am close to You.  What would I have done without my Faith in all that You have given me?  I would not have become a Saint, I know; but I will reach further as I walk from this spot to Where You are.  God, hold my hand, take care of me, do not let me fall in this last part of life.’  So be it.”

“Saint Alphonsus said to tell you there is no place upon the earth that The Father has allowed so Many to speak for such a long time, and to remind you that you are Blessed with the Instilling of Faith, so that one day this Faith that has been given to you in a special form, in a special way, will be that strength that will carry you straight to Him in the manner He Decrees, for All Eternity.

The word ‘Eternity’ seems so far out of sight because man deals only with a period of time that he or she can associate with, but as you have committed yourself, that you accept, that you are a part of with others, you must understand that the time upon earth is a very small dimension in time compared to the Time The Father has prepared for your Soul.”