Saint Therese
of Lisieux

1873 - 1897

Saint Therese of Lisieux

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

April 23, 1980 at 8:24 pm


“It is true, The Father has this child’s nature, personality, heart and will. What made this all necessary was His Love for man, for He wanted to assure man that nothing of her could penetrate This Great Miracle of Life, of Light, of Hope, of Direction, of Teaching, for the sake of men’s Souls.

I speak through a little one in the world and I, Saint Therese, say with Great Love, ‘You are the recipients of Great Love.’

This child, this woman, walks in the Light of Divine Hope, bare of what men use in the world. She is not allowed the use of the treasures men are given to make life more bearable in the midst of men. We, Here in the Heavens, call it ‘a life of blindness’, ‘a life of feeling totally abandoned by The Father’s Love’.

Many times, men create happiness with their nature and their personality. This child, this woman, in the Light of The Father’s Will, can only act according to His Will, not using the God-given nature, the God-given personality men are used to.

My Light burns. My Light soothes. My Light extends hope. My Light radiates through her to the whole world. My Light expresses His Love for you.

The world is full of shame, His Way. The world casts shame on His Name so many ways. The world blasphemes Him, using His Own Name. There are many sacrileges passed between men, using His Name.

I burn her being with My Light that is ultimately His Light, for I am in service to Him always.

This child, this woman walks a path, deliberate, controlled by Him, with a burning zeal to accomplish for Him. This Great Miracle has been given to the world to teach men the Beauty of the Soul.

I have a prayer. I hope you will say it for all time.

‘Dear God, as my Creator, I thank You for all I am. Heavenly Father, help me to use my nature, my personality and my love for You. Give me the strength to persevere in charity toward all men.

Dear God, help me to know how I must return my Soul to You. Help me to never stray. Help me to know how to pray. I love You, God. Thank You for today.’

My daughters, it is a simple prayer, but if you will but read It, you will find the content of It says so much and makes you aware of The Divine.

I found, in My life upon the earth, the little things I did and the little things I said were important when they gave to others strength, hope, and the will to live. So be it.”