Saint Alphonsus Liguori

1696 - 1787

Saint Alphonsus Liguori

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

October 30, 1995 at 3:35 pm


“I am Saint Alphonsus Liguori. The world of mankind, all nationalities, all cultures, all degrees of intelligence, all religions, must learn of This Miracle, and soon.

Anything that The Father feels is important for one race of people is important for all races of mankind, because mankind is truly born equal to each other, and in this equality, each human life has been given, has been instilled with a Portion of The Father, irregardless of what any man, woman, or child might say, ‘It cannot be,’ because they feel there is a difference in culture, in color, and many other things.

A Soul is not the color of the man or woman or child. The Soul is a Portion of The Father. Mankind must understand that This Soul, as a Portion of The Father, is a Light of Divine Love, a Gift of Divine Love that must be returned to The Father when the human life cannot be considered a living human being.

Through This Miracle of The Father’s Love, there has been so much Instruction on the Importance and the Dignity of human life; also, that the human life bears within it a Special Gift of Divine Love, a Living Portion of The Father that is to be returned to Him in a Pure State. That is why The Father gave to mankind Lessons, Instructions, Definitions, and Ways in how to live in a manner so that This Soul would not be in any way marked by the sins of the beholder.

The Commandments that were delivered a long time ago could never, can never be considered outdated, because in the fullness of Their Content, They cover every area of life, every thought an individual has, every act or action an individual performs, every word or words an individual speaks.

This Miracle of Divine Love has been given to the world at a time when men, women and children were being instructed in so much humanism that it was, in many ways, eliminating sound Spiritual behavior in all areas and facets of daily living. Each of Us Who are permitted to speak in Words understandable to mankind, We find it a privilege and a Gift of Divine Love, to be able to help millions and millions and millions of individuals understand the Beauty of being a human being, because of the Soul that is a Portion of The Father that is present within that life; plus, the Goal of the individual life is to one day spend All Eternity with God, The Creator of All Things.

Mankind refers to love in the manner and way acceptable to their individual understanding of what love is. True love, sound love, is not a love of total possessiveness, possession. The Father is Example of all this, because it is evidenced by the fact that at the moment of conception, His Generosity in placing within the conception a Portion of Himself, is the Greatest Gift of Love that mankind can ever receive.

There are so many sayings in the world that mankind has been known to cling to. I could mention many of them and they would be familiar to you, but I have One that I feel will be important to you, if you will but remember It, and perhaps pass It on to others:

‘The Soul You gave to me, God, gave me strength to endure all obstacles, all weaknesses, and I thank You for this Gift, because I want to return It to You, with the love I have for You, because of Your Love for me.’ So be it.”