Saint Therese of Lisieux | July 11, 1990
“Everyone does not have Faith in God. One of the saddest things in Heaven is when The Saints see people who have the ability to know about Heaven, reject It in their everyday life, through unkindness and a lack of self-discipline, and of course, a lack of sound moral values.
Heaven speaks constantly through This Great Miracle, and It is a Great Miracle, but some people find It difficult to believe because they feel that It should be in another place, and sometimes, in another time.
It is sad, and it was sad in Our time when We lived upon the earth, that We were criticized when certain Lessons were taught for the benefit of Souls.
Man tries to find fallacy in how The Father would work. Man tries to take away the reality of how The Father would work. Man ignores the Beauty of Faith and the Perfection of the Soul.
I am Saint Therese of Lisieux. It is true, the Words that began This Great Miracle came through Me, according to The Father’s Will. It is true that All Saints have been involved in This Great Miracle, so that mankind could better understand the Purpose of life, the Reason for it, the Dignity of it, and the Reality for which it was begun.
The eyes of every human being are important, that is true, but human behavior, human understanding, human decisions must always be based on the idea, and with the Faith, that the Purpose for life is to one day see The Father Face to face.
Man says, ‘I cannot comprehend a Face such as this.’ The Mystery of God could never be understood, and that is why it is important for each child who has Faith to know, and Faith in an Existence of God, the Existence of God, to reach for the Ultimate Goal.
Many times when I walked the earth I would say, ‘I cannot go on; I feel too strongly about this issue and I cannot give in to the other thinking on it,’ and then I would kneel and I would say, ‘Please, Heavenly Father, let me know where I must bend my will,’ for as it has been said, my will was strong.
Now that I am Here I thank God for that strong will. Many times I say, ‘Thank You, Father, for the ability to have the strong will and the ability to use it properly, and the ability to understand the decisions that I would make at that moment would definitely be important for the final end,’ but then I would always want to add: ‘As one life ended, a More Beautiful One began.’
This is the Message I leave with you tonight. Remember, as you walk each day and you use the mind that was given to you and you protect the Soul that you know is Part of Him, the life you live now is but a life to be continued in a More Grand Way. So be it.”