Offering Love to God

“I love You, God. Help me to turn to You often through the day, so I will grow in strength and love Your Way.”

Saint Joseph
June 2, 1970

“The Purpose of the physical life is to one day be a Saint. The Purpose of the physical way is God’s Love for each of you. No man is teaching of this time, the beautiful way of the physical for The Divine. So as you walk, truly say, ‘God, make me walk Your Way.’

Saint Mary Magdalene
November 25, 1972

“When you pray with words of love to Him, the Gift of Grace is yours. Be aware of it each time you pray the words He loves to hear: ‘I love You, God, I hold You dear.’

Saint Anne
May 17, 1971

“Dear God, I dedicate my life to Your service. Let me kneel each day and offer You prayers in the manner in which You love so much to receive them.
Let me also, my God, serve You in my daily life, in my daily acts, and teach me to release Souls from bondage so that They, too, can serve You in the Heavens.
I beseech You, my God, to favor me with Your Love. Accept my wickedness, my weakness, and help me turn these things into all acts of love.
Teach me, my God, to follow the way Our Blessed Mother wants us to follow. Help me to teach all men of Your Love for them. Let our very presence show only You. So be it.”

Saint Joseph
June 12, 1969

“Prayer, when presented to God in the form of acts, must carry the thought to God: ‘God, I offer You this task, for Your Will to be done.’ This is what man must learn to do.”

Saint Matthew
April 4, 1972

“Promise yourself, promise God, that you will desire to find His Light through your eyes, through your means, through your way, on the morrow, so you do not have to struggle for a long time in the pits of Purgatory, mixed with lime.”

Saint Catherine of Siena
January 12, 1973

“Cling to His garment as a child does, and as you cling, say to Him, ‘I am here, God, I’m hanging on,’ for do not forget, He never lets go of you; it is you who lets go of Him.”

Saint Mary Magdalene
January 5, 1975

“Thy Will, My God, not Mine.”

Saint Alphonsus Liguori
August 14, 1974

“I will give You a degree of time. I will spend more time with You, my God, so I will get to better know You and so I will be better able to serve You, in my way.”

Saint Catherine of Siena
July 27, 1975

“Bless me, God, with your Love today. Keep my love with Yours. Bend my will to do Your Will. Help me to serve You in my little way. My littleness is as a grain of sand. Move me wherever You know is best. Allow each little thought, little act, little word and little deed to serve You alone in Your Great Plan.”

Saint Therese of Lisieux
May 20, 1977

“For You, my God, I give my heart. To You, my God, I give my love. For Your Will to be done, I offer my whole way. I know, my God, You will give me the strength I will need in every way. Bless me, God, when I feel despair. Encourage me to always be fair. I love You, God. Help me to know what You want of me for the good of my Soul.”

Saint Joan of Arc
November 17, 1979

“I speak to the whole world with These Words, and I want you to say:
‘Heavenly Father, I promise You today I will give You my heart, I will doYour Will, I will work to fulfill Your Wish for me — I will become a Saint.’

Our Heavenly Mother
January 28, 1981

“When you work with your hands, offer the labor to Him. When you work with your mind, offer the labor to Him. When you work, giving to others, sacrifice, love, hope, offer it to Him.”

Saint Athanasius
July 15, 1981

“When you walk in to work, into a store, into your home, from room to room, make it a habit to say a prayer. Communicate constantly with God. All you have to say is, ‘I love You, God.’ All you have to do is think the prayer. He’ll know you’re there.”

Our Heavenly Mother
April 21, 1982

“Reach for purity in all ways and means, and never forget to say, ‘God, I love You.’

Saint Thomas Aquinas
August 3, 1988


“I promise to obey Your Ten Commandments.
I promise to be charitable in my thoughts, words and deeds.
I promise to give hope everywhere I go.
I promise to extend my respect in a dignified way.
I promise to always be good example.
I promise to remember to pray.
I promise to perform my responsibilities to the fullest.
I promise to remind others that All You gave to mankind, was to aid, to direct, to instruct the physical, mental and Spiritual privileges for the Ultimate Goal You intended, for the Goal of each man’s Soul — Sainthood.”

Our Heavenly Mother
April 21, 1982

“Please God, I want You to know, that though my thoughts, my prayers seem to wander, my sincerity and love is truly there.
There is not a day that goes by, that I do not recognize in my heart, in my thoughts, and in my eyes, what I am surrounded with and the course my life is on has to depend upon You for the Purpose of my life to be ‘won’.

March 6, 1985

“Never forget, you were created because of the Love of The Divine. So, remember to turn to Him and say:
‘I love you, God, thank You for today. Help me to be a Saint one day. I love You, God. Please remember me.’

Our Heavenly Father
July 11, 2005

“Through the beat of my heart, through the strength in my hand, through the sight in my eye, through the sound of my voice, through the ability of my ears, I praise You, God, where I am.”

Saint Alphonsus Liguori
May 18, 1974

“The love for The Father, and for Anyone Here Where I Am, is a love that is never forgotten, never passed over without Us remembering the one who expressed love through a small act, through a prayer, through the open words, saying: ‘I love You, please help me. I have no one to turn to, but I know You will answer my prayer.’ No One Here can resist such an act of love, such dependence, so much humility, and the innocence in it We understand.”

The Sacred Heart
January 18, 1996

“When an individual says to another one, ‘God bless you,’ or ‘God be with you,’ in many ways this short prayer is heard by All of Us.”

Saint John of The Cross
March 17, 1999

“On this day, seek out your God through prayer and say:
‘God, love me so much. I want You to care,’ and you will be surprised how you will feel after this first word this way.”

Saint Francis of Assisi
April 25, 1972

“Do not pretend to look into His Eyes, for He knows what you are about every day, but truly look and say: ‘I love You, God, in every way. Do not omit me from Your Love.’

Saint Mary Magdalene
January 5, 1975

“The sadnesses of your way through the physical life, gather these and say to Him:
‘I offer them to You, my God, to be dispersed in the manner You desire them to be. Let all these things that disturb me help the Souls You desire to gather around Thee.’

Saint Martin de Porres
July 12, 1972

“I am little, God. I must repeat it often so You will hear me when I pray. Remember, God, I know so few words, so I must repeat the ones I know each day. Take my prayer, God, and help others with it, and teach me the way, for I know that Your Light shines forth to the world when I express my Faith in You in my little way.”

Saint Therese of Lisieux
October 8, 1980

“The Light of Heaven is everywhere you are, when you have the courage and the strength to say to The Father: ‘I believe What You Are. I know You Are All Things. I know I am blessed by the mere thought from You. I love You, God, hold me close to You.’

Saint Aloysius
March 11, 1987

“Oh, My children, it is difficult sometimes to say to Him:‘Your Will I trust in. Take my will, God, and do with it what You Will.’

Saint Therese of Lisieux
January 2, 1985

“Tonight can be a beginning of you turning each day into hope, into strength, into energy you did not know you were capable of. Tonight can be the beginning of saying:
‘I realize, God, that my small sacrifices are not enough. I want to do more to serve You, to grow in Grace, so that my Soul will one day have Its rightful Place back with You for All Eternity.’

Saint Alphonsus Liguori
February 17, 1988

“The Father’s Love and the Love of The Saints knows all things, so as you pray, remember to say:
‘Father, I accept Your Will, and I love You, because You, as The Father of All Things, know what is best in every facet of human life, every degree for the Soul of a human being.’

Saint Joseph, The Holy Spirit
August 9, 2004


“I pledge to You Dear God my time. I pledge to You my will to serve The Divine. I pledge to You my dedication to follow through in what I know is best for my Soul.
I pledge my total commitment to never think an act too small or unimportant to offer it to You for the good of my Soul. I pledge to You my sincere loyalty to show honor, dignity and sincerity in everything I do.
I pledge to You my service in following ‘The Little Way’ of Saint Therese of Lisieux.”

”My Pledge To God”
September 3, 1980

“I beseech you to remind others, in the right way of course, to remember to say, ‘I love You, God; thank You for this day.”

Saint Sebastian
August 8, 2002

“Heavenly Father, grant me the Grace and the strength to always feel Your Presence, because when I do, it is through my understanding purity over impurity, hope over hate, truth over untruth, and an awareness of Your Presence in my Soul that never leaves me any moment of the day or night.”

Our Heavenly Mother
September 4, 2003

“When you pray, be sure that you, in your own way, ask The Father’s Love, because He loves to hear it when you say: ‘I love You, God. Thank You for the day.’

Saint Alphonsus Liguori
October 5, 2004
“A prayer to The Sacred Heart is easy to say:
‘Heavenly Father, I love You, and in this love for You, please return Your Love to me through The Heart that I know is Sacred. Please do not forget me.’
A short prayer, but there are many versions of it that an individual can make up in a personal way, extending their own feelings, own words, remembering that the heart is a show of love, a show of union in thinking.”

Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque
October 20, 1995

“Say this prayer each day and walk in love.
‘Dear God, I love You in my way. I know it is not much, but help me grow in knowledge and let me know peace in love. Help me walk each step I take, direct my thoughts to You. Help me be the man You want so I’ll return to You.’

Saint Joseph
April 25, 1970

“Every day from now on, offer Me a prayer. Say, ‘Saint Joseph, I do love You. Please walk with me today.’ I will if you will ask Me, and I’ll protect you all the way, for you are children of The Father and He loves you every day.”

Saint Joseph
May 22, 1970

“Learn to pray to Him each day and always say to Him, ‘I love You, God. Be with me today in a special way.’ Remember to say these words and say them from your heart — ‘I love You, God. I love You, God.’

Saint Joseph
May 22, 1970

“I offer You my life as You want it.
I offer You my love as You desire it.
I offer You my way. Let it be Your Way.
I offer You my family to lead, guide, guard, direct and love. So be it.”

Saint Joseph
October 29, 1969

“There are so many times in a human life that are times that a response could be made, such as: ‘Thank You, God, I love You.’

Saint Not Named
February 18, 2006

“Dear God, I offer You my heart today. Do with it what You Will so I may act according to how You desire me to be. Dear God, help me to know how You want my heart to be, what You want my heart to show to all I meet.”

Saint Margaret Mary
April 2, 1975

“To return His Love to Him, you must say to Him once in awhile:
‘God, I love You. Please, help me decide what to do here. Please help me, God, in this way.’

Saint Padre Pio
July 19, 1972

“When the morrow breaks, and you awaken to the day, greet it as the beginning. Do not close your eyes to it. Offer it to God; use your will to do His Will. Tell Him you love Him, tell Our Lady you love Her, and lean on Me. I am there.”

Saint Joseph
October 10, 1969

“I love You, God; I know this, and I also know I must be responsible for all I do, all I say and all I am, for I cannot forget the privilege of the physical life, its ultimate Purpose, and the dignity of my free will that Your Divine Love so generously gave to me.”

March 20, 1984