Saint Benedict

480 - 547

Saint Benedict

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

February 28, 2002 at 1:21 pm


“I am Saint Benedict.

The Father has given to the world a Blessing through thousands and thousands of Words. The Words contain Instruction, Teaching, and have a Purpose to Them that must be seen for the Worth It is to the human minds of all people, not just those who feel they have learned as much as they can handle regarding what life is all about in its Spiritual content and abilities.

Today as I talk through one voice, it is important that All that has been delivered through The Father’s Love for mankind never be held hidden from the world. The world must be saturated with All the Script or so-called ‘written Words’ that contain so much Instruction, Direction, Concern, Hope, for the Souls of millions upon millions of human lives, present now and Those to come.

The Books that have thus far been put into Script are for the future minds of millions of human beings, as well as being useful for the present time. Nothing is to ever stop Them from being put into print and passed throughout the world, no matter what language an individual speaks. It is The Father’s Will at This Time in the History of human life, that so much has been delivered for the benefits of millions of Souls yet to be born to the world.

Yes, I said, ‘Souls born to the world’. I hear some say, ‘Only the physical is born.’ As each new physical is born to the world, a Portion of The Creator is instilled, not understandable to the human mind, but Important for the individual in whom the Soul is placed. The Soul is a Strength in many areas of what a human being is all about, and yet the Soul is the ‘recipient’ of all that a human being practices physically, verbally, morally.

I close My Words with My sincere desire to give strength to anyone reading These Words, because in many ways it is a Command of Direction to be carried out for the benefit of millions of Souls.”