Saint Maria Goretti

1890 - 1902

Saint Maria Goretti

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

October 9, 2001 at 12:41 pm


“I am Saint Maria Goretti.

All ages of human life, at this time in which you live, do not fully understand what a Blessing The Father has given through one small voice.

The world is in chaos due to many grievous conditions; much is in jealousy, much is in power, much is in envy. This list could go on and on and on.

Throughout the world, instead of prayer doubling or tripling in number, in ways, in concerns for all that is occurring, there is more general talk, speech, on what is occurring, leaving out important issues and only striving to consider the humanistic evaluation of all the wrongs.

Most, at this time, would not admit who is the driving force behind all of this. It is the enemy of God and man. Some call him ‘satan’, and there are other names that, believe it or not, he thrives on. It stimulates his eagerness to become more known, because when things are being acted out in a pure state, he is ignored in many ways.

It may be difficult for some individuals to not quite understand What I have just spoken, because they do not see the logic as quickly as they do see things interesting or just factual.

There are men, women and children dedicated in so many ways, to all the sins against The Commandments of The Creator. They see no wrong in them. They say it is part of human life; it is human to think the way they think.

The Father has given to the world a Gift with so much Beneficial Direction, and Explanation of why men, women and children should seek purity of the mind and the body, and stop succumbing to what is evil.

Children are not being instructed properly. They are being allowed to think to the degree they can understand. There is so little sound direction, helping them to more fully understand that they have a Soul, a Portion of The Creator of All Things, and the Soul is the recipient of all they do, think, say.

So Many Saints Here in the Heavens beseech The Father every day to help those who are innocent, no matter what age, because you do live in a time that surpasses all the immoral times in the History of human life.

As I leave you, I bless you, and hopefully the Blessing will give you the strength to speak up against what is wrong, and stand up to those who feel they know it all. So be it.”