Saint Not Named

Saint Not Named

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

September 10, 1969 at 11:30 am



“If a man were to walk into this room and say, ‘I am Jesus,’ would you believe him? I say you wouldn’t. You would be cautious first, then you would be concerned, then you would be leery of the truth of his identity. After the shock of his words settled, you would begin to look for signs of truth, distinguishable first in his garb, second in his appearance, third in what he said following his first remark.

So it is, My children, as you face men in the garb of the time in which you live. It is necessary to be strange in appearance when you stand for God. It is expected. Those who follow a deliberate way must be separated from those who follow the natural way. How else can man seek Spiritual advice through those who are directed solely in this manner?

It would be well, My beloved daughter, to express in the humble, loving, sincere, kind, deliberate, firm way, What I have said. Our Lady would say the same should She be confronted with this question. Noticeably, man will ‘down’ what you would say. They will rebel at what they term ‘the old school of thought’, but remind them that God allows progress to occur to stimulate man’s existence, and that He would allow further progress if man’s capacity would allow it; I add, Spiritual capacity.

Do not become upset, My daughter, with those or because of those who will fight against you and your thinking. Be gracious and let only your love for God, your station in life, the purpose of your station in life be seen.

I love you, My child, as a father loves a daughter, and Our Lady says, ‘Carry on in your way for Me.’ So be it.”