Saint Not Named

Saint Not Named

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

December 5, 1969 at 12:50 pm


“I am a Saint, and have been for some time. Through the period of time that I have stood in This Way, I have become known to many children in the world. The duties of a Saint are many, but always led by one thing, obedience to The God They love, serving Him above all things, and helping others to reach Him.

Many children arrive in the Heavens from small acts performed in the Name of The God they love. There are others Here Who performed in grand ways, giving their life completely to Him. He does not say to Us, ‘I love You more for the way You chose or that I chose You for.’ His Love is so Great and so Profound and so Divine that Each Saint is aware of only Him and the Beauty of Him. He treats All with a Love and a Kindness unknown to man, and that is why We want all Souls to come to Him through love for Him.

Not one moment should slip by that you cannot account of, in His Way. Use each chance you get to serve Him. Don’t try to follow the life of one Saint. It may not be suitable to you, and it might detour you when you run into a snag and feel you cannot handle it. Picture all good and act for all good, and you’ve got it made. Remember that as soon as a touch of self-love enters the picture, it is not all good then.

The dramatic moments of life are many. The emotional acts of life are many. The fears of life, and for it, are many. The days of life are often many; the challenges of life, many; but the loves of life, few. Tell all children to choose a main Love — Him; to choose a main Goal — Him; and let all other things fall into place for Him. They cannot fail if they follow this, and when they gain Heaven they will find out that they reached It in a way they could, not in the way another man did. So be it.”