Our Lord

Our Lord

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

March 2, 1970 at 11:50 am


“When I created man, it was a creation of My Love. I instilled in him the feeling of love. Along with this I gave him a will, and with this will he lives each physical day to return to Me.

Today man does not cultivate the beauty within him but he dwells on what he feels is beauty. I have often suggested that sometimes evil is disguised with a surface of beauty, and for all men to accept only the beauty of nature without question. This, My children, does not include the physical of man, for this is a beauty superior to the other creations of Mine. The physical form of man has within it a beauty all its own, and I say to each man, ‘Keep it this way and return it to Me with love, in love, for love.’

The world is cluttered by much sin. Many children are making decisions without thinking them out and without good moral values. Remember, My daughters, as I was The Son of God, I was man. I walked the earth and I witnessed much as you are witnessing today. Remember too, that man then had to survive to the fullest, had to fight hard for the true Purpose of life. The time in which you now live is in some ways more beneficial, for you have many means, much teaching, and many children dedicated to serving The Father. The sadness lies in ignoring what you have.

I have come today to ask you to stop doubting in the Way of God, stop rationalizing the times of men, and to deal more in the way of prayer. Each word uttered to The Heavenly Father, to Me, His Son, or to The Third Person of The Trinity — the Light that all men must follow — is heard, answered, and loved.

The time, which is now, is bringing to men a favored Son of God, One through Whom obedience was a way of life, One in which obedience was a perpetual gift to God, One wherein Obedience, Example was given to the world. The Saint, My children, is Joseph. The Power given to Him by God is there for all men, all colors, throughout the world.

The signal of love is truth, the signal of truth is love. Millions of words can be used to describe the Purity, the Beauty, and the Wonder of the Heavens. I give you only a few, telling you to help others reach the Goal of Eternal Happiness.

There are many Souls needing prayers to help Them reach Here. As of today, an hour from now, make it a point to pray, not just one, not just two, but several every day. The need is great, the purpose much, the Love it gives, Divine. The Souls are screaming for your prayers and They ask that through your prayers, you say much more and help Them on the climb. Oh, daughters, kneel to pray and use the Words Divine. So be it.”