God The Father

God The Father

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

August 11, 1971 at 9:45 am


“Let Us, you and I, talk about justice. Let Us stand now in a courtroom. You are on trial, I am the Judge. Your first reaction, first plea, first desire, would be that I would be a ‘just’ man with you, in deciding what will be. Is this not so? If justice is so important in your way of thinking, then I ask you to apply it to all things; first of all, to Me.

Give Me what is due Me. I want you to obey My Commandments. I want you to communicate with Me. I want you to grow more in love with Me. I want you to spend Eternity with Me. I want you to one day be a Saint.

My Requests to you are, in all ways, easy for you. There is only one deterrent; that is your self-love. Let Me show you how easy it is to perform all these things in an easy manner and in a loving way. First, bend your will My Way and accept My Justice your way.

My children, the path to Heaven is easy; the path to Hell, sadness, turmoil, envy, hate, self-love. Mine is peace, joy, contentment, and yes, trust in Me. I know that My Speaking so Direct to you is a rare thing for you, but nonetheless, true.

I am your Creator, your Love. I am the Way to Heaven Up Above. I have laid out your way. I have given it to you personally. Now I say, ‘Would you not agree that it would only be “just” to follow Me?’ So be it, My children.”