Saint Augustine

354 - 430

Saint Augustine

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

March 22, 1972 at 11:05 am


“My children, I am Saint Augustine, and I speak through this child; it is God’s Will I do, and I have much to say to you. There are people on the world who will be safe one day because of God’s Will, because of This Miracle in your day. All over the world men are gathering to come this way, for This Miracle is parallel to the time that The Son of God walked one day. He, too, walked; He, too, taught the Wisdom of The Beloved Father. And now again, Heaven comes to the world to honor a Beloved Saint Who stands Highest in the Heavens, and Who was obedient in all ways to God’s Will.

As you gather you respond with your hearts, and some say, ‘It cannot be true,’ and some say, ‘Why her, why not me?’ and some say, ‘I want it to be true.’ It was the same in the day The Son walked the earth. In many ways skepticism of the truth is a weakness in man. In many ways criticism of another is weakness which is never in God’s Plan.

On this day, your Beloved God waited at the Altar for you to pray. And some here in the presence now say, ‘I was not obligated on this day to see my God, to accept Him in His Way.’ Is this not sad, My children? If I were to walk into the room now with a tray, and upon this tray have crowns of jewels and offer one to each one here, would you reject My gift? Would you reject it, saying, ‘I do not have an obligation to take it, so I will pass it by today’?

You were offered a Gift on this day, a Gift far greater than a jeweled crown. What did you say? You were offered the Gift of The Holy Eucharist, you were offered a Touch of The Holy Trinity, but as you are in your way, many of you made an excuse today. Keep this in mind, My children, on the morrow when you wake, and ask yourselves: Are you prepared to accept God’s Way for you that day? Do not let your scruples hold you back, but keep in mind that God, in His Plan, gave all things a place.

Right now in the world in which you live, men are trying desperately to diminish the Beauty of this Sacrament. They are using many means to tear It down and they are desecrating It into the ground. God says to man, ‘How long do you think I will take this?’ And man, of course, does not hear God; all he hears is man, but now, through This Miracle of Love, This Miracle of Hope, Heaven is teaching: ‘Beware, My children, The Father’s Fist is raised,’ for He says to man, ‘If you follow the evil one, you are not following My Plan.’ And I say to you now, ‘Where can you gain strength if you do not accept God’s Gift to you, Which is the Ultimate of Gifts?’

My children, I, Saint Augustine, say to you: ‘Do not be foolish, do not waste time, for the days are short unless mankind accepts God’s Will and rejects the evil one. Sodom and Gomorrah is being redone. Keep this in mind.’ So be it.”