Saint John
of The Cross

1542 - 1591

Saint John of The Cross

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

June 4, 1972 at 3:28 pm



I will tell you what I see. There are Three Saints standing on a road leading to a higher place, and on the higher place is a group of people. The people are praying. The people are asking God to help them with particular things in a different way.

The Saints are walking up the road in the garb of Their own day. There are Three more Saints. Now, there are men. Three were women Saints. The first Three Saints were Saint Martha, Saint Mary Magdalene and Saint Anastasia. The Three men Saints coming up in back: Saint Bernard; Saint Dominic, because He’s carrying a Rosary, and He’s smiling; Saint Jude.

There are Three more Saints: Saint John The Baptist, Saint Luke, Saint John of The Cross. Saint Patrick, Saint Ignatius, Saint Alphonsus. Saint John of The Cross is now at the top of the hill and He will speak.


“As this Vision is relayed to you through a child such as you, the Vision has Great Meaning, Great Purpose, Great Truth. The Vision is to show you that as you stand upon this Hill and you learn more of Heavenly Way, All Heaven comes forward to you. This Miracle of Hope, of Truth, has been given to the world, not for the scholarly man, not for the intellectual man, but for the whole world.

Men of all knowledge will stand upon this Hill and learn about God’s Way. Many men will devote their lives to God after once they stand on the soil that He chose for this Great Hill in your day. Many men will form an army to follow the beloved Saint Michael in the Heavenly Way. Keep in mind, My children, that the Sword He carries is not a sword as you know one to be, but it is a Sword of Love for The Holy Trinity.

If you are a man of much reading, do not get confused with what you have read, and what is truth and what is real. Keep this in mind. Do not allow yourselves to become so enveloped in book knowledge that you resist, reject, the Beauty of Faith and the Beauty of God’s Way in helping you. Do not stand in such righteousness that you forget to stand as a child, for that is what you truly are: a child to God, a child to Us.

Any age, any part of the world God chose you to be from, you are still a child of His, and He watches over you from the moment your life begun, which, My children, was at the moment of conception, not at the moment of birth. This is fallacy, when man thinks that life begins at the moment of birth.

I stand on the top of the Hill and I am not teaching to The Saints Who walked this Hill, but I am teaching to you, so you, one day, will walk the Hill as a Saint. I bless you with God’s Love, and I say, ‘Let this Hill of Hope be your guide today.’ So be it.”