Saint Dominic

1170 - 1221

Saint Dominic

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

June 18, 1972 at 3:09 pm


“My children, I am Saint Dominic. I speak through this child to alert each one here of the necessity of prayer and the importance of it. In the time in which you live, it is worse than Sodom and Gomorrah, and man is ignoring the beauty of prayer, the need of it. Please, My children, on this day, as you leave this place, make a promise to The Holy Trinity that you will spend certain times during the day, accepting His Love, by giving Him time through prayer.

There are so many things for you to do, each of you. Do not ignore the beauty of the physical way but balance it out with the beauty of the Spiritual way. When you were born into the world, God made you a trinity. You have a body, you have a Soul, and you have a Guardian Angel. This threesome is likened unto The Holy Trinity, for the Soul is to you as The Father is to The Trinity, the body is to you as The Son is to The Trinity, and The Holy Ghost is to you as your Guardian Angel is to you, the Light. And as This Holy Ghost is the Wisdom of the Heavens, your Guardian Angel shares this Light with you and protects you at all times. Keep this in mind.

As I stand Here in the Heavens, I see so many children ignoring their Souls, ignoring their Guardian Angel. They forget that this little Angel was given to them for many reasons, for many things. I say to you on this day, ‘Be aware of the Angel God gave to you to protect you and to share the Light with you, and be aware of the Soul that you have, for This is the Part of you that will return to God first.’

I bless you with God’s Love and I say, ‘I cross you and I give you Grace today.’ So be it.”