Saint Alphonsus

1696 - 1787

Saint Alphonsus

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

July 12, 1972 at 8:08 pm


“My children, I am Saint Alphonsus. As I stand with Other Saints Here in the Heavens and I speak through this child of a direct way to Here, I say, ‘There are so many lost religious vocations in the world.’ There are so many children who are chosen by God to follow in a particular way. They do not follow His Way. They say: ‘I want to become involved in the world, for in the world I will find happiness. I will not stray.’

Oh, My children, do not be so foolish. Follow the religious way if you have the slightest inclination to do so, and you will give strength to all those who are already in. You will give a firmness to the plan that God has for several men. Oh, My children, follow. And those of you in the room who feel the need to be able to stand as a Man of God, do not fret over what is occurring in the world, but stand up to Truth, and please, My sons, ask God to lead you. So be it.”