Saint Augustine

354 - 430

Saint Augustine

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

August 13, 1972 at 11:05 am


“My beloved children, it is always a joy in Heaven Here when a child must stand before you to give you Our Words, Our Love, Our Understanding. I am Saint Augustine.

You have heard many Names of Those Who walked the path of the human way and Who are now proclaimed to be Saints. Sometimes you offer prayers Our Way, and some of you demand that We answer in a straight way.

Let Me say to you, My little ones, today, ‘It is not always that way when The Father grants a child answer to a request he makes. The Father weighs all things, goes into all parts of the request.’ And when He says to Us, ‘Dear Saint, beloved One, I will grant, through You, the child’s wish,’ the joy We have, the happiness We feel is one alone. And sometimes, when The Father says, ‘Not this for the child, but something else,’ We are in joy also then, for you see, The Father’s Generosity is far greater than the child’s request.

It was through the perseverance and love of someone else, in many ways, that helped Me better understand God and His Way. And I ask you, through a child such as you, to offer your prayers first for yourself, and then for others too. Many men are distorting the Beauty of prayer. They are making it out to be something as total involvement within themselves. This is not so. Prayer is communion with God, communication with Him. Prayer is desiring to love Him more, to serve Him in a special way. Prayer can be delicate, prayer can be loud. Prayer can be in many ways.

Sometimes children say, ‘I cannot pray, God. What do I do?’ He says, ‘Serve Me. This is prayer.’ When The Son of The Father walked the earth, every movement He made was prayer to The Father, whether it be in request or thanksgiving, and there were many times The Son did request things from The Father. And I am sure you will all remember one time especially, when He begged that the physical would end, for you see, the pain and the suffering were too much for Him.

So do not say: ‘I cannot ask The Father for something today. It is not the way He wants it to be.’ Oh, My children, walk to His Knee, kneel in His Way, beg Him to help each of thee. Do not be so proud. Do not think that sophistication is important to God. All the things you are proud of were developed by man. Humility is strength, humility is beauty, and The Son of God was the Greatest Example of this, far greater than any man.

I stand in the Heavens, and yet I reach you on earth. There is no reason to leave the Realm Where I am to return to the place of My physical birth. The Power of God is so Strong, so Right, that the Power transmits to you with a Perfect Light.

I bless you with Love, I bless you with Truth. I bless you and I say: ‘Let prayer be a great part of you. Let it be in your senses each day of your life. Let the Goal that you have be, to be a Saint with all your might.’ So be it.”