Saint Augustine

354 - 430

Saint Augustine

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

February 9, 1973 at 7:50 pm


“The Miracle Of The Beloved Saint Joseph is twenty-four hours a day, not just now. And in many, many Visions of Great Power, of Great Magnitude, the child or the children walked to a specific place to look at God’s Grace with the visual eye, the physical way. But, keep in mind that This Miracle, strictly designed by The Divine, is different in many ways. To see with the Eyes of the Soul is Pure Vision, and that is how the Hill of Hope has been designed.

There are so many facets of this Hill that children will begin to recognize soon. It will be Biblical in atmosphere, in style. Children all over the world will come, and many will come asking for the prints, asking for the design, for they will see the value of it, the value to it, and want to reproduce it in their place where they live. You must be aware of this, for it will be. Men will come, speaking all languages, and children will have to speak to them, telling them of the beautiful story that this place is, how it was truly designed.

I ask you, My children, from the Heavens Where I stay, ‘Each of you must work God’s Way.’ Do not determine what is best, what is limit for you for The Divine, but extend all your time to Him. You will find peace, you will find tranquility, you will find unity, oh yes.

Men all over the world are screaming for unity. I, Saint Augustine, say to you now, ‘What is unity?’ Is it joining with all men, leaning on their weakness and trying to solve things in the way of man, or is unity desiring to serve God above all things? Is unity being of service in many ways, always desiring truth, desiring God’s Will, or is it as the children are now walking, following in this malicious, hateful, weak way of what they call, ‘The Way of The Son’? They have named it after Him, ‘Jesus’, as one.

Please, if you know a child following in this manner, stop him or her, for it is heresy in many ways. It is saying, ‘Lean on man.’ It is saying, ‘Do as man decrees.’ Please, My children, be aware of this sin, this heresy in your day.

Also, many men of great knowledge are leading many, many children astray. They are leading them in the way of Pentecostalism, and it is the greatest heresy of your day. Oh yes, when satan says, ‘Be prideful,’ he will work on your nervous system, he will work on your ego, he will work on your weakness; he will say to you, ‘You have power in many ways.’ Be aware of power. Be aware of leaning on what you think is God speaking to you in many ways. It is not truth, it is not so; for, God, when He uses a child, uses the child to do only His Will, and the child is truly in knowledge that no power is the child’s, only God’s.

So, My children, you have now heard of two great problems in your time. Will you observe the true results of them, or the results that are a mere facade of them, the good they say comes from them? Oh yes, it is wild truth man speaks of, not solid truth. It is a hopeful truth man clings to, not the real truth.

Oh, My children, I stand Here in the Heavens and I say: ‘If you listen to others who feel they have the power to lead, watch it in every way. The Father does not hand out power in such a way.’ So be it.”