“Start A Habit, Examine Your Conscience Three Times A Day”

Teaching Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

October 10, 1978


“It is easy to learn this habit and easier to put it into practice if it is a habit. Examining one’s conscience can be done while walking, sitting, eating, resting, driving the car. There are no set rules, no set place, no set conditions, no set prayers; just taking each Commandment, checking it out for sins against it.

After a given time, with this habit, you will find that there is a feeling of progress, a feeling of growing in Faith, a feeling of better understanding why you were born, a feeling of closeness to God, and a feeling of growing strength in life itself.

To just ignore our impure thoughts, words, deeds and actions, is not just acts against God, but depriving ourselves of sound thinking, sound values, sound standards and strength, in times of disaster, hurts, obstacles, misgivings and unhappiness.

Remember, start the habit of consciously examining your conscience for the sake of your mental, physical and Spiritual strength and growth.

Remember, a habit well-formed is difficult to break.”