“Faith Is Man's Hope, Faith Is God's Love, Faith Has Been Termed A Gift From God”

Teaching Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

August 27, 1979


“There are so many definitions of Faith. Faith bears, in its very existence, a connection to something valuable, something sound, something good, something available for direction, for strength, for hope.

Faith is a way of life.

Faith has a definite direction.

Faith gives life purpose.

Faith controls our inhibitions, our ambitions, our motives, our goals.

When Faith permeates a time of despair, the despair fades instead of grows.

When Faith is handed in times of need, it promotes success.

Faith is a crutch.

Faith is a stand.

Faith is a means.

Faith is an energy for life, in life and with life.

Faith is a format for how we live, our intentions, our charity, our expression to others in how we feel, how we think, our moral values, our moral standards.

Without Faith we are lost.

Faith is truly a Gift from God that must be cared for, cared about and insured, for its protection against many things.”