“The Words Alone, Do Not Spell Out The Action”

Teaching Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

November 14, 1979


“Brutality and barbarism are not things of Ancient History, but are becoming more obvious in our time than we want to think.

What creates brutality and barbarism? What encourages it? What cultivates it? These questions do have answers. The first answer is immoralities, indecencies, indifference to authority, paganism, false religious beliefs, idolatry of many things other than God Himself.

These things just mentioned are encouraged by the physical intake of narcotics, drugs and alcohol, that change the chemistry of the body, encouraging physical and mental imbalance; but, not to be excluded in this collection of words is egoism, selfishness, gluttony, jealousy, hate and lust.

Also, is not brutality and barbarism a definite factor for abortion? Only brutality and barbarism could justify taking the life of another human being.

Bullies are not born; they make this decision themselves with their own will. Brutal action against another human being, barbarism, whether it be mental, physical or verbal, was not born into a man; it was acquired through his own will.”