“Religion Is Involved In Our Whole Life”

Teaching Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

March 22, 1980


“Men speak of religion and they rarely elaborate on what religion is all about. Whatever denomination a man belongs to formally as his religious following, beliefs, associations, commitments, many times he forgets to think of his religion thusly:

His moral values,

His moral standards,

His example to others,

His sincerity,

His honesty,

His dignity,

His integrity,

His perseverance in his Faith in God,

His obedience to the Ten Commandments,

His relationship with other men and women,

His service to God, in his dealings with others with whom he works, with his family, with his children,

His moral obligations in providing for those who are under his care, his social example, his civic involvements, standing for what is good for mankind,

His dealing in any subversive or bigoted unworthy causes,

His tolerance,

His love and his care for the elderly,

His immediate thought of charity toward all mankind.”