
Teaching Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

May 13, 1980


“Respect in so many ways appears to be something there is little knowledge of, little inclination toward, and little feeling for.  Respect has many reasons for it because respect determines how one person sees responsibility, recognizes charity, and responds to a dignified relationship, association, or responds to people, places and things.

Respect amongst children is very important, and it is amazing how quickly children respond to respect for them.  Respect in families, in conversation, in attitude, in consideration for the belongings of others is important in all homes.

Respect avoids interruption into the privacy of others.  Respect motivates charity.  Respect generates friendship, concern, interest, relationship, hope.

Respect has many benefits to it.  It is a great arbitrator in its own way.  It is a balancer.  It deflects arrogance, impatience, crudeness.  Respect, in many ways, smothers out irritation, hurts, and brusque statements.

Lately, respect has taken a back seat in the entertainment media, amongst the white collar workers, and in all areas of business.  Respect very often begins with how one dresses, in how one speaks, in how one responds to others in just meeting them, and then in social gatherings.

Respect has a great moral attachment.  Respect initiates proper association, companionship, conversation, amusement.

Respect is but one word, and yet it affects our whole life in so many ways.  We must always remember that respect begins with us, and is comparable to sound waves, or light rays that we generate to others.”