“The Society Of The Little Way, 'My Yoke Of Atonement'”

Teaching Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

September 2, 1980


“This Yoke of Atonement is but an outward sign and symbol of my submission to the Will of God.

This Yoke stands for my acceptance of the burden of service to God’s Will, for the benefit of my own Soul, and for the Souls of all others I am responsible for, responsible to, and associated with.

This Yoke is my reminder that the physical life is a privilege, and that each thought, word, deed, and action I partake in, or I perform, must have God’s Will as the direction in which I move.

I accept this Yoke with love, honor, and dignity, and I will wear it with sincere and dedicated loyalty as a member of The Society Of The Little Way.

This Yoke will always be special to me, for this Yoke is my acceptance of God’s Will for me.”