Saint Dominic

1170 - 1221

Saint Dominic

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

August 31, 1995 at 4:29 pm


“I am Saint Dominic. I have spoken many times through This Gift of The Father’s that instructs mankind on the Importance of human life, and that Precious Gift, the Soul.

It is sad for Me to say that so few in this day are remembering Our Heavenly Mother. So many say, ‘I have prayed the Rosary so much in my lifetime; I have just gotten out of the habit of saying it.’ Also, many who used to pay Homage to Her in Services to Her, honoring Her and making requests of Her, no longer do this. The absence of such attention is a sadness to Her, because mankind is ignoring these precious times that bring The Holy Mother close to the individual, in communication, in association, compared to a child and a mother.

So much is occurring throughout the world that is eliminating man’s association with The Divine. There is so much attention on humanism, its abilities, and of course, its progress. None of this is associated with answered prayers at given times. Rarely does mankind kneel to pray. Lately it has been a small one on the run, or a fleeting thought, accepting the fact that they will be heard no matter what the conditions. Disrespect is prevalent throughout the world for all that is Holy, all that is Good, all that is Spiritual.

There are many men and women who openly say they have great gifts of power to heal others, and that their power is closely connected to a Higher Power, and that mankind should listen to everything they say, and follow their pattern of prayer because great Miracles are occurring within them, helping others in severe cases of illnesses, and in other ways. When mankind refers to loving someone, caring for someone, there is automatically a certain degree of generosity, charity, sincerity.

In the world at this time there is much paganism, not called this by mankind, but it is obvious because of the tremendous decline in sound spirituality. For some, to hear What was just spoken will be denied intensively, extensively, but nonetheless, it is fact, it is truth. If all who will read These Words will but ask themselves the following questions:

How much devotion do I practice in honoring Our Heavenly Mother? Do I do it daily, or just when I think about it?

How much generosity and example do I show regarding my Spiritual feelings to people close to me, whether they be family or friends?

What example am I to the young people that I know, when they see me or they hear my voice? Do they just recognize me in a human way, or do they associate me with my love for God that appears openly, lovingly, sincerely?

Do people see morality in me, or do they feel that on many issues I would not be respectable, nor would I show respect for all that is good, all that is Spiritual?

To some, do I appear totally trustworthy in what they speak to me about, what they confide in me about?

There are so many things that mankind is missing in just using spirituality in a manner that can be termed ‘hit or miss’. Is spirituality a daily practice? Is it based on honesty? Some people automatically show spirituality when they want to impress another individual. This is in so many ways disappointing to Many of Us Here, because it is hypocritical and it does not signify strength, loyalty.

Many of Us, when We are allowed to speak through This Miracle, find it a privilege to help mankind, because in helping mankind We are making The Father happy. There are so many men, women and children ignoring daily practices of prayer. To many it is a thing of the past, to many it is not necessary, to many they cannot find the time.

This Miracle of The Father’s Love has touched so many subjects, so many areas of human life that should be attended to, because mankind has not grown closer to Sainthood, but has pulled away because of the humanism that is so evident in every day. It does not take courage to say a prayer. It takes time, it takes love, it takes Faith that prayer will be heard. Prayer is communication and it should be developed into dedication without question.

So many Blessings have been handed to mankind, so much attention given to mankind, so that mankind will be touched by what is right, because the Souls must be taken care of morally, physically, spiritually, continuously.

We are always present, We are always aware, We are always available, and We want you to remember that We do care. That is why Each of Us Here ask The Father: ‘May I speak? Can I be the One to alert mankind to the Importance of what life is all about and to never allow anything to stand in the way of becoming a Saint?’ So be it.”