Saint Dominic

1170 - 1221

Saint Dominic

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

August 15, 1996 at 1:25 pm


“I am Saint Dominic. Many of Us wait for The Father to request Our giving to mankind His Love, His Attention, instructing mankind regarding the Purpose for which He created human life.

As Saints, We are constantly in His Service, using every means We can to help mankind understand why human life was created, the Goal for which it was created, and the Divine Love that is instilled at the moment of conception.

When an individual says, ‘I love you,’ it is sometimes an act of human expression, letting the other individual understand that there is a degree of personal love felt, and this always gives strength.

When The Father hands to the world a Gift of His Divine Love, It is above and beyond what human love is, because The Father’s Love is a Love incomparable to what human love is to those close to them.

The world is in a tragic state of diabolical intervention, due to the fact that mankind uses false expressions of love, many times for control purposes, for attention from one or more other human beings.

The Father has given to mankind a Miracle of Soundness that continuously instructs every degree of intelligence on the Importance of the Soul that is a Portion of The Father, placed in the conception of every living human being. When an individual expresses fear, it is most times due to a human event, a human experience, or a physical factor.

Today as I speak to you, there are Many Saints with Me Here now who join with Me in a Message to all of mankind. Human life was designed for a Reason, a Purpose, a Goal. Human life is different than any other creation, because of the Soul, the intellect, and the ability to understand that there is a God, and there is a Reason for a human being to exist.

We hear some pray, all ages, all nationalities, all degrees of Faith. Sometimes the faith in their own human way of doing things is greater than their Faith in their having a Soul, a Portion of God within them.

This Miracle of Divine Love has been given to mankind to help mankind understand that along with the Gift of Divine Love, the Soul, The Father gave The Rules, His Commandments, so that mankind would use These for the benefit for which They were given, and that was to protect the Soul from being lost to the enemy that truly exists.

The world must understand that This Time in man’s life, God has given to mankind in a straightforward manner, Information, Direction, Personal Love, and a constant reminder that human life has a Purpose beyond all other creations.

When We hear doubt of any degree, or from any source, regarding This Miracle, it brings a sadness to All of Us. We hear some say, ‘What do They mean, Miracle?’ because Miracle to most individuals is an occurrence that is spectacular in their eyes.

This Miracle of Divine Love is beyond this, because This Miracle of Divine Love has been and still is, audibly and through the written Word, instructing mankind on the Precious Gift of Life that abides in every human being. The Soul is a Living Portion of God, and mankind must remember this.

There is so much evil throughout the world based on every type of humanism, because mankind in so many ways sees only the human ideals, purposes, practices that he or she feels they are capable of, or proficient in.

The world at this time is in chaos morally, mentally, physically, spiritually. The Father foresaw what was at a particular time leading up to what is occurring now, so He deliberately gave to the world a small voice through which All of Heaven speaks, not just instructing mankind, but deliberately helping mankind to feel the Importance of the Messages and see the Value of Them that nothing else is doing, because everything is based on selfishness, impurities, immorality.

Today as I speak, it is important for mankind throughout the world, not just in the place where These Messages are delivered, but to every nation, every culture, every age, because mankind is not receiving what is necessary for mankind to value that Gift of Divine Love, That Portion of The Father, the Soul. So be it.”