Saint Gerard

1726 - 1755

Saint Gerard

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

October 23, 1996 at 12:44 pm


“I am Saint Gerard. It is a privilege, an honor, to be able to speak through This Gift of The Father’s at this time, to all mankind.

Mankind does not always recognize a Gift of This Measure, a Gift that is truly Personal from The Father, but He instructs Each of Us Who speak, that We must be sure that What We say will give to everyone listening and all who will read the Words, help to better understand the Importance of the Soul placed into man, because the Soul is Special and the Soul is not of human origin but of Divine Way, Divine Plan.

Many men, women and children throughout the world do not know What life truly contains, and that is why it is important for This Miracle of Divine Love to be passed throughout the world in all languages, so no one can say, ‘I did not know that God was so close to me every day.’ So be it.”