Saint Dominic

1170 - 1221

Saint Dominic

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

May 16, 1997 at 2:46 pm


“I am Saint Dominic.

It is important that mankind begin to more fully understand the Importance of the Holy Rosary. It is being neglected, in some ways rejected, in other ways forgotten. The beauty, the love, the importance, the value of this dedication of love to The Beloved Heavenly Mother must never be cast aside, must never be diminished, because in this practice of devotion to Her, the repetitiveness is important, because it is a continuous reminder of Who She Is, What She is All About, and the Importance of Her Place in Heaven.

When an individual says, ‘Holy Mary, Mother of God,’ this statement does not just imply an Importance, but it states an Important Fact and leaves no doubt as to Who She Is, What She Is, the Greatness in which She stands in Heaven.

Children are not being taught about this prayer that is repetitive because of Its Importance. It is important for mankind to understand that in the repetitiveness of particular words, there is an instilling of Grace, Strength, Love. The Holy Rosary must never be cast aside because of time, or because of a lack of energy. This causes an individual to supersede what this prayer of Divine Love really means, by putting a human idea or act before praying the prayers of the Holy Rosary.

There is strength in the act, and there is observance and dedication for The Mother of God. Though it is a human love, it is Blessed by a Divine Love, and mankind must never forget this. The repetitiveness is important because it instills, through the words, a monumental amount of Faith, Hope, to the Association of an individual talking to The Mother of God.

Remember What I have spoken, because These Words are important for the Soul that was placed within you at the moment of conception. You must remember that She, as The Mother of The Son of God, is a Mother to all of mankind, and She must never be set aside or rejected because of something human that would be put before or instead of praying the Holy Rosary. So be it.”