Saint Josaphat

c. 1580 - 1623

Saint Josaphat

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

October 10, 2002 at 1:03 pm


“I am Saint Josaphat.

We All smile when this little one senses Our Presence, and she is with others. She oftentimes pleads for Us not to speak. This, of course, must be Our choice at different times.

The world has been Blessed abundantly, in many ways, through the Faith of thousands of individual men, women and children. When I say ‘Faith’, I mean Faith in The Divine, Faith in the Importance of life, and Faith in the Goal that human life is gifted with.

As I speak now, there are millions of human beings, all ages, all backgrounds, all with different interests in how they act each day. Some ignore respect for others who feel the importance of prayer. Others use prayer to give themselves strength.

Children throughout the world need This Miracle, because through This Gift of Divine Love there are so many things spoken regarding the validity of the Existence of The Divine. It would be shocking to many people if they were present at some of the ugliness that is occurring throughout the world, based on not just immorality but demonic pleasures.

Prayer should be spoken every day, asking The Father to bless one’s way of life, and help should be requested that a Saint will come if temptation arises, and the Saint will help the individual resist the sinfulness that could occur in times of weakness.

The world must hear of All that has been delivered thus far through This Gift of Divine Love, but It must also be spread through the written Words, because it is easy for the human way to forget what they hear, especially if it is meant for them to change their manner of life for a better way.

All of The Saints Here in the Heavens request The Father many times for permission to speak through This Gift of Divine Love, because The Saints All understand that the Souls of millions of human beings need help, because the ones in whom They were placed do not see purity, but see pleasure in the enemy’s way.

As I close These Words, I will ask you again to accept your responsibility, your strength, your morals, to be the example, and to never resist giving the correct advice where you know it is needed, because of the Souls that are being abused by so many things, in so many ways.

In closing I say, ‘In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.’