Saint Bartholomew

1st century AD

Saint Bartholomew
Saint Christopher
Saint Ignatius Loyola

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

August 21, 2003 at 12:45 pm


“I am Saint Bartholomew. I am Saint Christopher. And I am Saint Ignatius Loyola.

All things were created for a purpose, a reason, and a goal. Human life was created to the Image and Likeness of The Creator, thus giving to human life a special role.

The Dignity that human life is instilled with is oftentimes dismissed by the one in whom It is placed, but Dignity has a purpose to all portions of human life, because Dignity allows mentality to grow. Dignity establishes the importance of right over wrong. Dignity instills values that are necessary for the importance of many things in human life to be different than all other things created. Human life is not like anything else, even though many times it is compared to many other forms of creativity.

Children are not learning the Importance of human life. They are not being instructed on the different facets of how an individual should practice, be example of, and strive for the Goal for which human life was created.

The little voice We All speak with, through, listens to Our Words constantly, because We talk more than We request to be put into script, thus allowing her a more close Association to how We think, and how The Father Wills so much to be delivered for human beings of all ages to learn from, to give them the strength to endure the responsibilities that human life is subjected to every day, many times a day.

We hear so many give credit to their mentality, based basically on their pride, for which they feel all things come from them, thus ignoring that every thought, every word, every deed, every bit of intellect basically is a Gift of Divine Love, because all of these have their own degree, reasoning and purpose to men, women and children, because human life, without all these things, would not be what The Father expects the human mentality to bear, due to the fact that the Soul is the recipient of all an individual is instilled with, partakes in, is example of, or has the ability to share.

I speak this way to help many who will read the Words, to be able to more fully see that they are not alone in the world, they are always accompanied by Someone that can be termed ‘a Higher Being’.

As I close These Words, I say with deep Love and thanksgiving to The Father, for allowing so Many of Us Here to partake in This Gift of His Divine Love that does not just encourage Enlightenment into so much, but instills It to be able to be used in all facets of human life.”