Saint Anthony Mary Claret

1807 - 1870

Saint Anthony Mary Claret

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

July 2, 2004 at 12:53 pm


“I am Saint Anthony Mary Claret. There are Several of Us present. Each of Us has told The Father it is a privilege to walk the way He allows Us to walk, because in this Gift of Divine Love, We have the privilege to answer prayers, answer questions in a way not conceivable to the human way, but I assure you, it is to aid all human beings, and to encourage them to see the Value of the Generosity of The Heavenly Father.

He has never left human life alone with no one to guide them, no one to care. Granted, it is not in the same manner human beings understand, but there are many ways that are introduced to awaken the mentalities to see the value of What is instilled; thus, not just to ignore the wrong, but to cast it out and stay only with what is rational, logical, and has hope in it morally, physically, and for the Goal for which human life has the assurance for his or her Soul to return to The Creator, in the manner, way, and degree He chose would be best for It to return to Him, representing the one in whom It was placed at the moment of conception.

So many men, women and children need hope, need in-depth understanding, so they can see the courage that is necessary to stand according to how The Father Wills them to: in protection of their Soul, that even though they cannot see It, they are conscious of a Presence within them that is above and beyond anything they know.

As I close My Words, I bless those who take Them and those who will read Them. I assure you, It will give you strength, courage, and a deeper understanding of the Importance of human life, and the Dignity that has been instilled in it because of The Father’s Love for it.

I close These Words and I say, ‘God bless you on this day and always.’