The Holy Trinity

The Holy Trinity
Many Saints

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

July 19, 2005 at 2:09 pm


“There are Three of Us present.

There is so much to speak about with those who will understand the Wording to be for the good of all human beings.

In living the human life, it is a privilege for everyone born to it, in it, because the very concept of it is to give hope and a lot of understanding in many subjects, due to the fact that being created a human being has so many facets to it, so many things to be able to enjoy while yet in the living state.

Today, as Many of Us Saints are present, We like to speak on what is good, what is feasible, what is enlightening, and what gives to the human way of living, hope, hope to be able to spread the Word or Words of The Divine.

Today as We were with you, We heard laughter. We heard words that gave to the human way enjoyment, and also a sense of togetherness. These things are good for the Soul, but also for the body and for the mentality to see human life in a manner and way greater than many individuals ever think about, because to be happy, to enjoy, to participate and to be a part of laughter, kindness and conversation, believe it or not, helps the physical, the mental, and also helps one more fully understand their Soul.

How can this be? Very easy. The Soul responds to happiness, takes part in it sometimes, and the Soul enjoys the happiness of the one in whom It was placed at the moment of his or her conception.

I know We speak differently at this time, but it is a time to look at the human manner of living as realistic, also as a favor, but also with the privilege it has, a Goal. The Goal is Special, because the Goal is for That Part of human life, the Soul.

The Soul is not seen in the daily way of living, but the Soul does respond many times, in many ways. This would surprise most human beings, but the Soul participates in everything you are, everything you think, say, do, promise, partake in and use to give to human life a Special Meaning, a Purpose and a Goal.

God loves you. Remember this. It was His Will for you to be created, and in His Love for your way of living, He will remember every moment of it.”