Saint Anthony Mary Claret

1807 - 1870

Saint Anthony Mary Claret

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

February 10, 2006 at 2:07 pm


“I am Saint Anthony Mary Claret. (He’s smiling.)

There are so many things regarding subject matters that We could speak through this little one daily, nightly, on every subject that would cover important issues, conditions, and the facts that would give credence to a court announcement of what was decided upon.

We speak differently through this little one because of the many subjects she is responsible for, to, with. The list is endless.

You live where so little is mentioned on what is morally sound, morally correct, morally pleasing to The Creator. So little is spoken about the importance that is necessary to abide by moral laws, moral functions, moral discussions, moral attitudes, moral factors. The list is continuous, and should be considered more times than it is even thought about.

Some who read These Words will find Them out of their text of how they think.

Now let Me speak about The Commandments that were given a long time ago. I Am The Lord Thy God; Thou Shalt Not Have strange gods Before Me. ‘Strange gods’ would cause a tremendous jolt of a lack of respect, honor, dignity. Each Commandment would have numerous things to think about that oftentimes are just ignored, thus just accepting words that seem feasible, acceptable and useful, and accompany how one lives in an ordinary manner, way.

Many who write These Words and/or who read These Words would question: ‘Why pick a subject such as this to think about, to speak on, and to give opinions of one’s feelings, understanding, and considerations?’

We hold the little one tightly. Her body is spent because of the weight of so many things like Words and What the Words mean, and the conditions for which the Words are spoken, plus the fact that you live in a time wherein so much immorality is accepted, no matter what degree it is placed in.

There are Several of Us present, and We use this time to speak to those who We know feel the Beauty and what a Treasure The Divine is to them in the human way, and in the Spiritual Understanding It projects.

Though All These Words are different, They are to give you who take Them, a feeling of what is important morally, mentally, psychologically, physically, spiritually, to the point where if judgment came at the next moment, would it be fair, would it be just, would it be something acceptable, or would it be a frightening condition of words that would give order to those receiving it, not just concern, but rules and regulations orderly spoken?

The little one I use is upset over My Words, but We say These Words because each day of human life, an individual is faced with more situations and conditions than they realize, more necessities for judgment or justice or truth or facts to be considered.

As I close These Words, I do it because I know that what I have spoken could be upsetting or could be difficult to cope with, but I spoke the Words because there is an essential understanding and meaning for Them.

I have asked if I may bless those who have taken the Words, and I was told ‘Yes.’ In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Remember, you are Loved by The Divine.”