Saint Not Named

Saint Not Named

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

February 11, 1970 at 12:05 pm


“You have come upon a Miracle, a demonstration of God’s Love, an outward show of what He expects of all children.

A child has requested to learn more of the knowledge of prayer. She says, ‘How do I pray?’ I smile upon her and I say: ‘A prayer of love is easy to make, for when you awake, begin it then. Upon arising from the bed, take your hand and bow your head. Go to the forehead, then to the breast, then to the shoulders and say the rest. Tell Him you love Him and you give Him this day. Tell Him to guide you in His Way. Follow His Words, never delay, and when you feel yourself faltering through the day, repeat to Him The Cross and Its Way.’

An act of love in each move you make is much easier than you think, for if each step is in love for Him, what better way to pray to Him. So be it.”