
Teaching Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

October 9, 1978


“There have always been evidences that God uses protective measures against mishap, wrongdoings and harmful things. The very fact that down through time we have been told about the Angels in Heaven, and it has been elaborated upon how Saint Michael guards Heaven; whether Heaven is in the need of guards or not, it shows us the Protectiveness of God.

In Creation, the balance God so obviously put to all things shows protection for all things. Balance is definitely a protective necessity.

Our Guardian Angel is a Protective Measure in more ways than we can understand. Our will is a great protective measure. It gives us the privilege to use it in our own defense, to protect our moral values, our moral standards. The will is boundless in its meaningfulness. The will is, in many ways, more than the line of decision. The will is the scale of balance that we use every day of our lives. It is a protection against evil, against mistakes. Our Gift of Faith is our protection for the good of our Soul, for as our Faith develops more soundness in our actions, we may obtain the Purpose of life intended by God — to be a Saint.

The Ten Commandments were given as Protective Measures, Guidelines, Commands, so we would not fall into the pits of Hell. They are great protectors of our Soul, of our whole being. God, in His Desire to protect us further, gave us Holy Mother Church. He instituted it Himself, but before it was instituted formally, He sent to the earth the Protection of it, so it could be established according to His Way, His Will.

Logic tells us, common sense confirms it, that God, in His Wisdom, His Sense of Justice, His Projection of Constant Balance to all things, could not, would not, have depended upon mere man to carry out His Will, without a constant touch of His, for such an important issue for man, which was to be ‘Holy Mother Church’.

Even when God handed Moses the Ten Commandments and Moses told others of These Commands, God’s Presence and Protection was always evident, especially in the confrontations that Moses was involved in. Miracles that were delivered down through time to us, the Phenomena that occurred, was most certainly God, in His Protection of what He had given to Moses — the Ten Commandments.

In the ceremony of choosing a husband for Mary, we are told an obvious sign was given, that the staff Joseph carried bloomed with lilies, symbolic of purity, symbolic of choice. This was no natural phenomenon. What did the people think when this happened? Where did Joseph come from? Only such facts can be arrived at through private Revelation, bearing the stability of purpose intended, and in the extraordinary form of receiving.

Our Faith is based on Revelation. Then why would God not use this means to once again give us the Strength, plus the Facts, combined with the Logic, so we could re-establish the balance of things in our minds, in our hearts, in our way of life?

Two thousand years ago, God placed a Form that men could understand in the world, a Form of a Man, The Protector of the Foundation of Holy Mother Church. He joined together The Protector and The Tabernacle in an obvious manner that men could live with, accept and learn from (the marriage state). Why do not men understand that He had the Wisdom to create Human Form out of The Protection of Himself, to be Example and to formulate and be the Foundation of Faith, Hope and Charity for all time?

It is so understandable how God would do this when we see the reality of Saint Joseph being The Holy Ghost. Men knew Him as ‘Joseph’, a name acceptable in His time. They knew The Tabernacle as ‘Mary’, a name acceptable in their time. They knew The Child as ‘Jesus’, a name acceptable in their time. This gave The Holy Family mobility, access and a means to perform in the intended way and manner, to establish the Will of God for the sake of Souls, in a degree men could relate to, remember, imitate, and speak about.

They speak about the constant fleeing of Mary and Joseph, how They just escaped death, trouble, the fury of other men; Angels telling Them when to move. Does it not speak loudly that Their hearing Angels puts Them in a category of Direct Communication, extraordinary means and measures of communication with God?

The Apostles were taught by God Himself. He revealed to them firsthand, the Direction they were to take to give to all of mankind, for all time, the Information The Father intended for the sake of Souls. The Bible is Revelation, revealed through the learning they had firsthand. True Revelation, God-oriented, God-directed, God-controlled, always has an Ultimate Reasoning, Purposes, and is evident in the reality of Its worth, because It is a continuation of the original Lessons for the good of the Souls. It is a continuation of development at a time when It is most needed among mankind.

This is not a common Gift, but a Gift given at the Direction of God, through the commitment of a Soul working totally on Command and Instruction, through a means and a manner feasible to a human role; extraordinary responsibilities, and yet received in a childlike way because of innocence in receiving, bearing the absence of personal gain.”