“A Signal That Shouts”

Teaching Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

June 8, 1981


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“What is a heretic? This term is hushed in our day. It is a term people feel has a tremendous accusation in, and it is a term that so many people fear.

Heretics are a dime a dozen in our time of life, but are not referred to as heretics. Many of these bear the title of theologians, some scholars, some authority in Holy Mother Church. In many areas, Holy Mother Church is being brutally attacked for its traditionalism, its decency, its dignity, its integrity, its honor. WHY SUCH AN ATTACK!!

When something is sound, moral, good, beneficial, and bears in its very essence a ‘truth that is unquestionable’, why do men fight and prevaricate, making fact fiction, truth untruth, and stability a weak stand or understanding?

Holy Mother Church was founded by God Himself because there was a necessity for a change in doctrine, there was a necessity for change in moral obligation, and there was a necessary change needed in the established Truths to give more substance to moral beliefs and moral undertakings, plus moral responsibilities.

Christianity was a necessity, not just a whim. Christianity was based on the value, the standards, and the formula that God Himself felt would re-establish a sound direction for men to undertake, for the good of his or her own Soul.

There is definitely a war going on, but too few men are wise enough to see it, to recognize it, or respond to it. Men are ignoring the obvious war because it will take a great strength to fight it, and to win it. It can be described as good fighting evil, truth fighting untruth, moral fighting immoral, justice fighting injustice, purity fighting impurity, love fighting hate. A war such as this is called ‘a religious war’, but too few men want to use these words in an open way, because these words are harsh words, defiant words, and words that make men recognize what they are forced to say.

Our Blessed Mother is the Strength we have to fight this great war, and Her Rosary is the greatest Weapon we can use against the evil that is the opposing force.

In many ways the rockets have been seen by so many. Roman Catholics have ignored the rockets that are screaming SOS, HELP, DANGER, DISASTER, and MAYDAY. It is appalling to see Roman Catholics act like ostriches hiding their heads in the sand, rejecting responsibilities and opposing the Truth that can be fought for, in a manner that only the Holy Rosary can do.”