“His Ultimate Sacrifice Had Great Purpose”

Teaching Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

February 12, 1980


“What does Lent mean to you? What effort will you make to make Lent important for you?

The Great Sacrifice that was made for man will remain forever in the Substance He decreed It would be. When the people were first taught by Our Lord about the Reason for life, the Goals set for it, the Purpose of it, and the directions it was to take, These Teachings came directly from The Father’s Will for mankind. Each time He talked, Each Word He said, was to give those present hope, but also telling them that they were to pass on to others what He taught, the reason for which He taught it, explaining the value of it, so they would absorb it, live by it, be example of it, and interest other people in it, for it was a way of life that was designed by The Father, dictated by Him, and now being enforced for the good of mankind.

Lent is not just a reminder, but a time for man to renew what is valuable to man, and that is to see the condition of his Soul. If this condition is standing in the shadow of any impurity, then the wisdom of man, the logic of man, the common sense of man would say, ‘I must make amends, I must change, I must make reparation for the good of my Soul, I must repent, I must admonish myself.’

Lent must be approached to show that there is understanding in regard to what caused the first Lent, what it means, and why it must be used to repair what is wrong, to concern one’s self with striving for purity.

Lent is a great Gift from God. It must never be ignored, bypassed or belittled, especially in that it is a reminder of What God gave to us, and we must remember He did it for us.”