God The Father

God The Father

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

March 25, 2001 at 12:15 pm


“The world has been Blessed because of My Will. I want all human life to more fully understand the Importance of a Blessing in the way of man. No other entity of life has the Gift I place in man, a Portion of Myself, so that human life would understand the Importance of human life and the Goal for which I created it in My Divine Plan.

Though it is difficult for human life to understand, such a position does not make Me change My Will, for all human life I created with a Portion of Me instilled. I want It back as Pure as I gave It. Please help Me to fulfill My Divine Plan, because of My Love of That Portion of human life that is Mine, that is called ‘a Soul’.

Today as I speak, I know I am being heard by those who love Me. I beseech you to spread My Love for this Creation of Mine I have Blessed and become a Part of, called ‘man’.”