God The Father

God The Father

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

May 17, 2001 at 11:59 am


“The time has come for millions of human beings to better understand the Gift that human life is to man. It has Purpose, Goal, and a Privilege above and beyond what any other living matter or thing has the privilege to have.

I have given all of mankind a Blessing of Mine, to help them know and better understand that there is a Goal for human man, and that is, to return to Me That Portion of Me that I gave at the moment of conception, so that human life would innately know the Close Association and Connection each one has with Me.

Faith in My True Existence is evident in many, many ways. Human life is a Gift of My Divine Plan, and must understand that, through time, I enlightened each age of human life to more fully understand the Importance of Who I Am, and that man, as a Creation of Mine, is gifted with a Goal that nothing else has.”