Saint Rose
of Lima

1586 - 1617

Saint Rose of Lima
Saint Catherine of Siena
Saint Alphonsus Liguori

Revelation Delivered Through

Frances Marie Klug

June 27, 2000 at 1:30 pm


There’s Three of Them here: Saint Rose of Lima, Saint Catherine of Siena, Saint Alphonsus Liguori.

“As We approach this little instrument with Our Presence, We touch her intellect first, making her aware of Our Presence and that it is for a Purpose, for millions of other human beings to one day more fully understand what a Precious Gift human life is, always has been, to man.

Children are not being shown or instructed on the Creation of human life, its Purpose, its Goal, but also in its very existence, the importance of everything an individual uses, partakes in, practices physically, mentally, emotionally, or in a charitable manner. The human mind differs in every human being, based on exposure to surroundings, to others in the human form, practices and ways. Children are being neglected, because they are not being instructed on the Worth for which they were created.

Instinctively in human life there are goals, some according to an individual’s likes on certain practices, certain features, factors, that appeal to what an individual would like to accomplish on his or her own manner of doing things. Human life has been gifted in so many ways, but the Ultimate Gift to human life was to recognize that The Creator of All Things had to be a Supreme Power, beyond what the human mind is or would be capable of fully understanding.

Today as I speak, and Those around Me join with Me, it is to enlighten all human beings of the Importance of the Goal for which human life was created, and it was and is for the Soul they cannot see, they cannot feel, but is obviously present due to the fact that human life knows, senses, that there has to be an Importance to human life beyond any other living matter or thing.

Today as I speak, I speak with deep concern, because there are so many diabolical practices, encouraged by the enemy of all that is good, right, proper, pure, for the Soul of every living human being.

Each day We Saints Here in the Heavens see temptations arise to encourage individuals to ignore what is truth, what is pure, and choose a lesser way of doing things, whether it be for the mind or the body. The functions of the mind are very personal, and yet can be shared in the proper way to great advantage.

In many ways the body can become a victim when it is permitted by the mind to do impure things, too many to mention. I would rather keep My Words with you pointed in a higher plane of attention, because it is so important in every day, all that a living human being does with that day.

First, I would ask this question: Do you remember to give thanks for the day and the privilege to be alive that day? because the day offers advantages for the physical, the mental, and also for the Soul, because the Soul is the recipient of all you do, all you say, all you feel, all you act out, how you handle your responsibilities, and what example you are to all with whom you come in contact, whether it be physically, mentally.

Do not forget These Words, because These Words are to awaken all who read Them to what a Treasured Gift of Divine Love human life is. It has a freedom to think, to speak, to be kind, to be generous, to be pure in thoughts, in responsibilities, and also, to always remember there is a Future for life that nothing else is the recipient of, because when a heart stops, life goes on a different Plane of living, but on the Plane for which it was created, giving to That Portion of human life, the Soul, time to be returned to The Creator from Where It came at another time.

As I leave you, I am privileged to speak to you, because Every Saint Here in the Heavens, believe it or not, is acquainted with your Soul from the moment you received It until It is no longer a Portion of the human way of life. So be it.”